December 17, 2014
Hanukkah is the holiday that keeps on giving; for 8 nights anyway. So how’s a stoner to celebrate the Jewish festival of lights? With 8 straight nights of dank, of course! Here are some ways to enjoy a stoner Hanukkah.
1. Start the holiday off right with a game of dreidel, but play for ganj, not gelt.
2. Or, you could always get crafty and play the game with a dreidel made of weed. Winner gets to smoke it.
3. There are lots of ways to bring the stoner “je ne sais quoi“ to your menorah. Try nug instead of candles (and smoke them promptly after).
4. Or, you can use joints in place of candles. Barukh ata Adonai!
5. For those of us who like to go really hard, how about some sick menorah glass, like this Grav Lab menorah rig?
6. Of course, you gotta break out the classic one night — the menorah joint.
7. Then, step it up a notch with a menorah blunt decorated with a hash oil Star of David. 
8. And make sure that amidst all the fun, you don’t forget to light up the Jewish stoner way.
Happy Holidaze!