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Stoner App Review: Weed Scale

Stoner App Review: Weed Scale, Source: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.weedscaleWe here at Weedist have written about many great Stoner Apps that are available for 420-inclined smartphone users. While many of these apps, from silly games to reference guides, are sold with a novelty aspect, the latest one I’ve encountered is truly a novelty that should not be used by anyone in any kind of serious capacity: Weed Scale.

As the name implies, it turns your smartphone into a balance that can weigh to the ounce or gram. The app also features a strain library, customizable themes, and plenty of push notifications. While the idea of a scale on your phone is great in theory, I’m not at all convinced. The layout of the app is certainly simple enough, but the actual scale function leaves a good deal to be desired.

Stoner App Review: Weed Scale, Source: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https://lh6.ggpht.com/R7yNZHgbnebDTMbsRFyVEaeUsF4W12TzrHV52QdfeumIm1MUVNcIwrkQlTBjzeAGnQ%3Dh900&imgrefurl=https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.weedscale&hl=en_GB&h=900&w=507&tbnid=9lvzt2WZ4cCAtM&zoom=1&tbnh=299&tbnw=168&usg=__UiVRyp3Z8Qe3FIkRTqyVk6Fes0U=In order to calibrate the scale to take an accurate weight, the user needs to balance their phone on something inflated (a bag of chips are shown in the help section), and then need to take a coin and use it as the calibration point. Once you find yourself a bag of chips and a coin and wait several seconds for the phone to figure it out, only then can you begin to weigh anything. Obviously, this can only be used for small amounts, but after several trials I couldn’t get it to give me an accurate reading on a few grams of bud.

Even if the app worked exactly the way it should (and I will say that it did at least give a few weights, even if they were not very accurate), it’s a bit daunting to imagine that the user is in a situation where they don’t have a scale, but do have an inflated bag and coin handy. If I’m away from home without a scale, what are the chances that I can find a bag of chips and a coin to use?

The strain library does seem to work a little bit better than the scale. While the strains listed do include THC percentage and some basic info on each strain, it’s hard to know how accurate that is considering that every strain will be different depending on where/how it’s grown. Some of the anecdotes included for each strain are also fairly generic and can easily be applied to many different strains.

Weed Scale makers Aexol certainly score points for trying, but this app could use some more work and maybe some more actual technology to get the scale to work without having to balance it on something. Also, the push notifications are not as funny as the developers probably think (the first day that your phone reminds you it’s 4:20 is cool, with diminishing returns after that. They can, of course, be turned off, but if I’m disabling something simply because it’s annoying, that’s not a great feature).

While free to download, you do eventually have to pay for each use after a certain trial period, which is really not worth your money. If you need to weigh a few grams of herb to give to a friend in need, this is probably better than eyeballing it… but depending on how good you are at eyeballing a gram or two, maybe not.