Over a year ago, photographer Nichole Montanez began a project titled “Faces of Cannabis.” Her mission is to share the truth of what medical cannabis has done for children with epilepsy.
The effort is aimed to help soften the hardline stance that many states still take against anything even remotely cannabis related. Stories of families uprooting their whole lives and moving to more cannabis-friendly states are not uncommon. Sadly, neither are stories of parents being threatened with charges of child endangerment when they break local laws and procure CBD oil for their epileptic children.
It is just shameful that we still live in a world where a parent can potentially have their children removed from them for giving them a medication that is saving their lives. To these parents, the choice to risk punishment is an easy one to make. When your child is sick and someone tells you that the only thing that will help them is illegal, you don’t waste a moment thinking about the consequences, you act to help your baby.
“I think the main goal is to put a new face to medical cannabis and put the children on the forefront and remind people why this is important and why we’re doing it,” Montanez said. “These are children. They’re children just like your children or my children, and they deserve a chance.”

Faces of cannabis.
It breaks my heart to think of how many families are suffering, watching their children wither and fall apart when there is a completely safe, effective, and natural substance that is literally the answer to all their problems.
Many of these parents who have turned to cannabis for their kids were, by their own admission, not supporters of the cannabis movement. Necessity made them believers and they want to share that experience with others to create better outcomes for more children.
I would wager that not one of the people who oppose medical cannabis have any personal experience of the plant, nor do they understand the lengths parents will go to to protect their children. They can stand at the podium and bark out any number of statutes, statistics, regulations and laws that prove them legally correct, but that doesn’t make it right.
Chris Rock said years ago that if we wanted a cure for AIDS, give it to the President and we’ll have a cure in a week. It’s hard not to think that money is driving the opposition. There will always be more profit in treatment (even ineffective treatment) than in curing.
I applaud Montanez and her efforts. People really do have the power to change the rules, but we need enough of us saying the same thing to make that happen. Until then, my wish is that those who can change the laws be blessed with a compassionate heart. These people have the power to do what’s right, but they often lack the motivation.
Check out the “Faces of Cannabis” website to see the little ones who now have a shot at a decent life thanks to cannabis.