Fruit and veggie pipes are about as classic as it gets. Who hasn’t toked out of an apple at least once in their life? And if your answer to that question is, “Me!” then I sincerely suggest you grab an apple and get on that. Apple pipes are awesome.
But times are changing, and the way we consume cannabis is changing too — in today’s world, dabs are all the rage. So what’s the inevitable intersection between dabs and the MacGyver stoner?
Why, dabs for vegans, of course. The following video, discovered on YouTube, demonstrates a dab rig made out of fruits, veggies and a quartz nail. In their own words, what’re you’re looking at is, “…a direct inject orange bubbler with 2 hole downstem and a strawberry side load dome. The cool thing is we took some huge dabs and this thing captured all the smoke. I constructed this bad boy with 2 carrots, an orange, a strawberry, and a quartz nail…”
Check out the video below and let us know — have you dabbed out of a fruit or veggie before?