Prohibition is destructive in many ways, we all know that. But beyond the very serious ways in which people are affected all over the world by prohibition, there is one less serious (and dare I say humorous) way in which it can muck up a stoner’s day.
We’ve all been there. You get down to the last of your supply and you’re either too broke to get more, or your dealer ain’t coming through. It might be days before you’re able to get your hands on some more of that leafy green goodness, and the kief reserves? Gone within a day.
So you’re sitting there after a long day of work, just staring at your pipe and you realize, “…there’s an awful lot of resin in that bowl.”
“No! Don’t do it!” Good-sense cries. But gosh darnit, you just want to get a little high.
Now, not every stoner will resort to such drastic measures. Personally, I haven’t partaken in this activity since I was a much younger lass. But it’s safe to say that all over the world, there are stoner’s falling under the dark spell of resin.
I decided to conduct a very unscientific poll to see just how many of my friends would admit to smoking resin in desperate times. It turned out… quite a few!
The question I posed was, “You’ve run out of weed and can’t get anymore right now. Do you smoke resin? Yes or no?”
Out of the incredibly large sample of a whole 15 respondents, 6 admitted that yes, they absolutely would smoke resin, and an additional 3 admitted to having done so in the past, but added they would be unlikely to do so now.
I was unsure how many would admit to this vice, but to my surprise, a few were quite outspoken in admitting they have joined the dark side. Responses ranged from, “Hell yea,” to “In a heartbeat, lol,” to “If it’s not old!”
The most enthusiastic response was, “Yes! I smoked the last of it yesterday and am not gonna be able to smoke till Friday, I’d kill for resin right now.”
Whoah! Now that’s some dedication. Slow down there Vader.

“I can’t believe Jabba didn’t come through with the stuff.”
Unable to control the snark of course, a few sassy Coloradans chimed in. One man said, “Run out of weed and can’t get anymore? Man, East coast problems huh?” More like prohibition problems good sir!
Another woman simply remarked, “What does ‘run out of weed’ mean?” Clearly this is a language unfamiliar to those in the Centennial state.
The responses of those who claimed to not smoke res, ranged from, “Hell no,” to “No way, I get headaches from resin hits!” Notice, the latter is still an admission to having smoked resin in the past!
It would seem this is a widespread phenomenon, a dark secret in the stoner world. Who hasn’t been tempted to burn the dark stuff when not high and dry?
So tell us in the comments, stoners. Do you smoke resin? Have you in the past? Are you ashamed to admit it? Or do you make no qualms about it?