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Cannabis Lube Claims It Can Get Your Vagina High - Weedist
Weed Lifestyle

Cannabis Lube Claims It Can Get Your Vagina High, Source: http://media.rumbacaracas.com/uploads/news/2014/07/10/FORIA600.jpgA sensational new product has hit the market in California this year — Foria, the first cannabis infused lubricant designed to enhance a woman’s sexual experience.

The Foria website reads, “Foria brings to your fingertips the power of ancient plant medicine to inspire deep healing and unlock profound pleasures. Hand-crafted from the female flower of the marijuana plant – one of the oldest known aphrodisiacs in the world – using modern extraction techniques for optimal potency and purity.” This lube claims to enhance the sexual experience of women by getting their ladybits high.

Foria is composed of food grade coconut oil, THC and other cannabanoids. According to the company, each bottle contains 360 mg of THC and other cannabinoids — about 2 mg of THC per spray. The company describes their handling method, “Foria is produced and bottled by certified food handlers in a health inspected facility using a proprietary pharmaceutical-grade purification technique that leaves our cannabis oil completely free of any pesticides or solvents. In addition, every batch of Foria is lab-tested for purity and potency by The Werc Shop – the medical marijuana industry’s leading independent laboratory for product testing.”

Cannabis Lube Claims It Can Get Your Vagina High, Source: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_H7vkrOJ3Pdo/SKrLPq_JyaI/AAAAAAAABuM/9Abr9W9RDbM/s400/fan2017025.jpgForia is currently only available in California at 88$ a bottle, and the company requires a valid medical card for purchase. But weedists outside of the Golden State eager to get their vagina’s stoned need not fret, many homemade recipes have been popping up online since the product came out. From what I’ve gathered the product is as simple to make as any other cannabis infused oil.

To use the product, women are instructed to apply 4-8 sprays directly onto the clitoris, inner and outer labia, and inside the vagina (but you may have to wait up to AN HOUR to feel the effects). The site claims Foria can “awaken arousal and heighten sensation making orgasms more intense, fuller, or easier to access” and “help promote natural lubrication, reduce pain and tension, and create the relaxation necessary for sensual experience, or restorative rest.”  Some of the reviews on the Foria website even claim the lube will give 15 minute orgasms and help women achieve multiple orgasms.

So let’s see what the ladies have to say about this product.

Reviews online are mixed, different women reporting different levels of success. One reviewer reported that the products effects are localized to the vagina,  concentrating awareness of all the sensations in that area, as well as increasing wetness and relaxing tension. Vice journalist Mish Way reported success with spraying the lube into her mouth for a head high in addition to lubing up, you can find her detailed account of her experience here.

A personal correspondent told me the product did not work for her at all, stating that the product dried and flaked off after she waited an hour for the effects to kick in. So this product might not work for everyone.

One trend remains constant in all the reviews I have read — this product will not get you as high as traditional smoking methods. Some women report having success with getting their vagina baked, but the effects mostly seem to be a mild high with increased sensitivity and awareness. This lube is no miracle product guaranteed to give you the wildest orgasms of your life, but it could still be fun to try.