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Great Edibles Recipes: Grilled Chicken Ganja Thighs - Weedist

Great Edibles Recipes: Grilled Chicken Ganja Thighs, Source: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-kPJvHDKdMs8/UDMIa1gEsSI/AAAAAAAAA-g/9VTiK94Xc3I/s1600/DSCN5421.JPG

One of my absolute favorite foods is grilled chicken. For my money, grilled meat is about as good a meal as you can get. I am totally that crazy a$$hole who is outside in a snow storm trying to get my grill started, because freezing temps are no excuse not to grill. As long as I can get the flame going, it’s grilling weather.

As a self-styled hippie and former chef, I definitely favor all-natural methods of grilling.

While I have seen a great gas grill or two in my life that don’t seem to impart any chemical flavors onto the meat, it’s still a risk I don’t like to take. I opt for natural hardwood charcoal and use eco-friendly starter pellets. These things are great, they are some kind of biodegradable biomass that is soaked in some kind of natural oil. They light easy and burn for about 5 minutes. A few of those on your charcoal will get your grill going very well, often just as fast as a gas power-start grill. The only thing I absolutely refuse to use is lighter fluid (that includes those lighter fluid soaked charcoals too). They will most certainly add that lovely gasoline hint to your food. That’s a big no.

What follows is my recipe for Grilled Ganja Thighs, a staple in my house. Normally, they are not medicated so my kids can eat them, but it hit me the last time I made them just how easy it could be to medicate them.

Here’s What You Need:

  • 2 lbs chicken thighs
  • ½ cup cannabis honey
  • ¼ cup cannabis olive oil
  • 2 tsp yellow mustard
  • 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
  • 1 heaping tsp garlic powder
  • salt and pepper (to your discretion)

How to Make Grilled Ganja Thighs

Put everything into a giant bowl/ziplock and mix or shake it up really well. You want the marinade in the bag to be homogeneous and cover every bit of chicken. Once it’s well mixed, set it aside and get your grill started.

Pro Tip: You can marinade your chicken well in advance. I will usually let it soak in the sauce for at least 2 days. But at a minimum, give it a half an hour in the marinade, which gives you time to get your grill hot.

After your grill is ready, just cook the meat properly. Chicken is properly cooked when it’s white all the way through, but still plump and juicy (you want it to ooze a clear liquid when cut into). Careful not to over or under cook. Over cooked chicken is like eating paintbrush bristles, under cooked chicken is like a raw oyster that can make you sick.

Feel free to mix up a batch of the marinade to have on the side and you can spoon or brush the meat as it cooks to finish it off. Enjoy the Ganja Grilled Chicken!

Check out other posts from Weedist’s Great Edibles Recipes series!