Recreational marijuana is alive and well in Colorado, with a steady stream of visitors from both in and out of state coming through many recreational shops this summer.
While good ol’ fashioned herb is still the top seller at most stores throughout Colorado, edibles are definitely a popular option for many users for a variety of reasons, some of which we’ve discussed before here at Weedist. They’re discreet, great if you don’t like to smoke and capable of being used in any setting. Since the limit for each individual marijuana infused edible is just 100mg, many companies are starting to offer lower doses or edibles that are broken up into smaller pieces.

Tasty new edibles!
One of the latest recreational marijuana edible offerings is the Incredible GUM-E. From the makers of a popular line of chocolate candy bars, this is a pretty standard gummy candy that comes in a variety of different flavors. Each package has 100 mg total, with 2 pieces that have 50 mg each.
For those that haven’t tried edibles before, 50 mg of THC is definitely a little too much, so for novices I would recommend breaking the gummy in half. One negative is that the large gummies got warm while traveling home in my car and stuck together, but at least they didn’t melt the way that chocolate bars often do. However, the texture and consistency is very similar to a Sour Patch Kid and it was pretty easy to break off a piece, even after it melted a bit.
The marijuana taste was easily covered by the gummy taste, with a sweet and tangy flavor that was no problem to eat. Like many edibles available for recreational use, the effect is a hybrid that gave me several hours of both body and head high.
Overall, the new GUM-E from Incredibles are a good new addition to the large offering of recreational marijuana edibles available in Colorado.
Check out other posts from Weedist’s Edibles Review series!