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Meditate While You Medicate: Deep Breathing - Weedist
Weed Lifestyle

Meditate While You Medicate: Deep Breathing, Source: http://101resortyoga.com/Wallpapers/101-Resort-Yoga-Retreat-Spa-Massage-Exercise-Wallpapers-103.jpgMeditation is an essential component for peace of mind and a healthy lifestyle. It facilitates healing and gives us a chance to see clearly. This series, Meditate While You Medicate, will focus on different meditation techniques that can be performed in conjunction with heady indica strains. Practice daily for clarity, focus, peace and enlightenment.

Deep breathing is an essential part of any meditation. Following one’s breath is a key component of all yogic teachings. Awareness of breath is even said to allow one to overcome any strong emotion, such as fear, anger, anxiety and more. Follow this simple exercise to bring yourself back to center and release any negative emotions which may be creating stress in your life. If you have a meditation partner, try taking turns reading the instructions below, softly and slowly to one another.

  1. Create a comfortable setting, with a comfortable spot to rest. You may sit in a quiet spot or softly play some meditation music. Before you begin, smoke or vape some Black Diamond, a potent indica with an intense relaxing effect and clear head high. Once comfortably stoned, sit in a comfortable cross-legged position, rest your hands on your thighs and gently close your eyes.
  2. Begin to focus on your breath. First, casually observe the way your breath naturally moves through you. Relax the muscles in your face and be sure to breath through your nose. Then, begin by taking a long, slow, deep breath in. Breath deeply into the abdomen and then the chest.
  3. Pause at the top of your breath, and rest in stillness for 1-3 seconds, whatever is most comfortable. Then, begin to slowly exhale. Try not to allow the breath to all rush out of you at once. This may be somewhat of a challenge the first few times, but as you familiarize yourself with your breath, it will become easier. Once you have exhaled as fully as you can, pause at the bottom of your breath, for another 1-3 seconds, or whatever is comfortable.
  4. Repeat this process, breathing in deeply and slowly, pausing, exhaling slowly, pausing. As you practice this pattern of breath, begin to allow your mind to rest in stillness, as thoughts melt away. Continue this exercise for 10 minutes, or as long as is comfortable.

When finished, slowly open your eyes and smile.

Meditate While You Medicate Series:

  1. Chakra Cleanse
  2. Body Mindfulness
  3. Visualization
  4. Quiet Mind
  5. Awareness
  6. Deep Breathing [this post]