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Great Edibles Recipe: Better Than Mr. Goodbar - Weedist

Great Edibles Recipe: Better Than Mr. Goodbar , Used with permission from Dave Naylor https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10202026315523513&set=a.1095471391064.2013178.1354956166&type=3&theaterWhile reminiscent of a Mr. Goodbar, this recipe is so versatile that the flavors and combinations you can come up with are limitless. It meets all my requirements for cannabis cooking. The recipe is easy; it makes a ton of candy and it gives a good effect. The hardest part is the patience required to make it turn out perfect. Big thanks to Dave Naylor, my Facebook friend who shared his recipe and pictures.

Here’s what you need for the basic recipe:

  • 24oz (2 packages) of chocolate chips or any other flavor that you like
  • 1 pound of canna-butter
  • Roughly a pound of nuts of your choice
  • Parchment paper
  • 2 cookie sheets

Double boiler, crock pot or any pot that can distribute heat evenly. First, make a pound of cannabis infused butter using your favorite method. This recipe does not require exact measurements. Whatever your net result is from, starting with a pound of butter is how much you need for this recipe.

Great Edibles Recipe: Better Than Mr. GoodbarUsing a double boiler or crock pot or a pot on the stove on very low heat, melt your chips. As noted, you can use a combo or any variety of chips you like. So far, I have used milk chocolate and white chocolate. They have both been delicious. I plan to try mixing chocolate with peanut butter and maybe something with some Heath Bar chips down the road.

It’s okay if your butter has cooled; it may even be better that way. The next step is the most important to assure that your candy is smooth and the butter is completely blended. I was in such a hurry the first time I made this recipe that I did it backwards. I dumped the whole package of chips into the melted butter. When it cooled, the butter separated from the chocolate in a layer on top. Of course, I still ate it, and I enjoyed the salty and sweet flavor combo. But, it wasn’t right, and I digress.

Great Edibles Recipe: Better Than Mr. Goodbar - WeedistWhen the chips are melted, remove them from the heat and slowly stir in your butter, a little bit at a time.

While stuff is melting or butter is infusing, set up your cookie sheets. Each will need a layer of parchment paper and a layer of the nuts you have chosen. I have used several different types of nuts from salted in a can to organic and raw. Each has been delicious. I want to try dipping pretzels and fruit in it, too.

Great Edibles Recipe: Better Than Mr. Goodbar - WeedistIn addition to changing the flavor by using a variety of chips, nuts and other ingredients, I have also added a little extra spice to this recipe with great success. I added a teaspoon of cinnamon and a teaspoon of chili powder to my milk chocolate candy for a little extra zest. I added a teaspoon of vanilla to the white chocolate and almonds, which was also tasty.

This recipe is guaranteed to become a regular in your repertoire. I hope you will share your variations here in the comments!

Check out other posts from Weedist’s Great Edibles Recipes series!