In what could quite possibly be the best single photo summation of the legalize cannabis or not debate, a Dayton, Ohio newspaper published the following pages in response to the question, “Is it time for Ohio to legalize marijuana?”
The caption on the blank, anti-legalization side of the page reads: “On behalf of the Dayton City Paper staff, we apologize, but we were unable to locate a debate writer who was able to submit a view opposed to the legalization of marijuana in Ohio at this time.”
While it is possible that they just couldn’t find a counter-debater at all, I think it more likely that they opted not to run with anything because there was nothing worthy of publishing. Dayton is classified as a conservative town and it is surprising that no one would argue against cannabis legalization. Rather, I think that the Dayton City Paper has an interest in being a credible news agency and did not get any valid responses.
You can only thump a bible or repeat propaganda for so long before no one can even see the relevance any longer. Are the anti-legalization stalwarts (finally) scraping the bottom of their barrel of lies? It is encouraging to see that it at least appears that the message of moderate, responsible pot use is winning out over fear, dishonesty, and hypocrisy.
I’m amused by this story, but not shocked. When is the last time any of us heard a legitimate reason for maintaining prohibition that you actually believed?