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Girls Only: Why I Love Tokin' With Women - Weedist
Weed Lifestyle

Girls Only: Why I Love Tokin' With Women, Source: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-yviO1Pbqiy0/Tv2QnFzNqrI/AAAAAAAAKAc/Qp17DNKnwMs/s1600/ninaleen32_20110410_1286858126.jpgI’ll admit it, I love smoking with women. Specifically I get a special kick out of smoking with just women. I know, I know, right about now dudes are saying, “Hey! What gives?” But hear me out, I have some scientific evidence to back this shit up.

You see, the reason I get excited when I sit down to smoke a bowl with the amazing women in my life, is because I know the weed we packed in there is going to last. I mean, really last. It’s like magic, the bowls that get passed around amongst women are never-ending-bowls. They go and go and go and there’s greens for everyone! Smoking a bowl with fellow women means I am going to get extra high. “That thing is still going?” is like a ceremonial question asked around the sacred circle of women stoners.

So is this magic? Witchcraft? A blessing? Perhaps it’s a miracle? No, no, you silly superstitious reader. As usual, science has the answer!

You see, on average, men naturally have a larger lung capacity than women. In fact, lung volume and capacity is approximately 25% greater in men than in women. 25% is pretty big! Geeze fellas, ain’t the pay gap enough for ya? Now you wanna take 25% of the THC off the top too?

Girls Only: Why I Love Tokin' With Women, Source: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fcontent.clearchannel.com%2Fcc-common%2Fmlib%2F2054%2F03%2F2054_1393944734.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.wsrz.com%2Fpages%2FBreakingNews.html%3Ffeed%3D417120%26article%3D11143714&h=667&w=1000&tbnid=0I2spBv2WsE8HM%3A&zoom=1&docid=c2JU_L7viqUS1M&ei=vLRYU-XtCuaNygGf6YHgDw&tbm=isch&ved=0CDwQMygAMAA&iact=rc&uact=3&dur=1930&page=1&start=0&ndsp=4

“Quick! Hit it! The guys are home.”

I kid, I kid. I know it ain’t your fault you were born with those big mighty lungs, man. However, the fact remains that when I toke with my guy friends, I’m gettin’ less hits. Bowls can go out in two rounds under the fury of your 25% extra lung capacity. One second there’s green, the next turn it’s that beat ass hit that no one really wants, but might smoke anyway if they live in a prohibition state.

Don’t get me wrong, I love my dudes and am always happy to pack a bowl and smoke one with them. I smoke with all my friends and I ain’t complaining when there’s an excuse to pass a bowl around and share the ganja goodness.

But that doesn’t mean that when I look around and realize a bowl is about to be passed amongst only women, that I don’t get a little thrill out of that. I get excited, because I know the magic is about to happen, and I know I’m about to get real stoned.

Shoutout to my #weedistwomen