Photos by Dope Magazine
Legal weed had its way in Seattle this 4/20. The pinnacle of my smokey weekend was definitely the 3rd annual Dope Cup. Held in Seattle’s SoDo district, it was the place for #seattlestoners to be on 4/20 eve this year. A THC fueled evening out with some of the cannabis industry’s brightest local stars. I had such a great time I decided to cover it from both the flower and oil perspective.
EVERYBODY had Dank on Deck
Let me start by giving tremendous props to whoever over at Dope Magazine cooked up the “everyone is a judge” idea. Arming every patron that walked in with 5 grams of Seattle’s finest was shear genius! No cannabis was allowed to be sold at the event, however the organizers came up with a great solution. They convinced the competing farmers to donate a sample of each entry to every registered judge, which was everyone. Take a look at the menu above — awesome sauce is what I believe the kids say. I picked up my 10 samples and went to work.
What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas…
The only thing better than a room of potheads flush with dank was the playground they placed us in. Dab bar, medible bar, bar bar, merchandise area, photo both, casino, vape lounge… wait a minute, casino?! Yep, it was Vegas night and there was a fully functional play-money casino — what a sick idea. The function was already going to be awesome, but this really took it to another level. Sesh after sesh after sesh with a side of seshes is normally how these events go down, but what they all often lack is something to do once zooted. Gambling while stoned will definitely be the topic of a forthcoming article.
After a nice survey of the luxurious surroundings I met up with Eric of Northwest Oils and we got to chiefin’. There were plenty of dabs to take, but with all the delicious fire around we had to open like purists. A blunt and a bong at a time, we made our way through the samples. We hit the free medible bar when we were hungry and the medicated soda bar when thirsty; it was that kinda night. There is no sense trying to compare and contrast uber highs from epic highs, and vice versa. That said I confidently vouch for every strain I smoked. Indicas were body shots, Sativas were hippy trippy and presentation/flavor were tippity top shelf.
And the Winner is… Everyone
Just kidding, the actual winner was the Mt. Baker Gardens Baked Cookies (pictured above) and it was absolute fire. A super flavorful variant of the current hot strain Girl Scout Cookies, Baked Cookies hit like a bull dozer. Mt. Baker Gardens is pinned to my radar now; well done.
I said we were all winners because it was yet another safe and sound cannabis celebration in Seattle. There were no medical cards needed, this was a completely public and recreational weed event. I won’t mince words, 100’s of people smoked like they were going to the electric chair. I state this with pride because no one got hurt and no one acted a fool — I love potheads. There were guys with big muscles in tight shirts, ladies in short dresses and high heels, there was even a bar serving real booze… but there was NOT any drama.
Domestic violence, drunk driving fatalities, words you can’t take back… all markedly missing from “weed nights out”. There may have been debauchery, but haters won’t find their drunken brand of stupidity around here. Stoners respect each other and look to help before hurt, every time.
For those wondering, I did take many dabs too. Stay tuned for my article on the dabbers side of the Dope Cup. Shouts out to the teams over at Dope Magazine, Northwest Oils, Dabs Unlimited, Oil Slick Pads, Dab Rags, Fweedom and Have A Heart Crew who were all out in full force. #goodtimes.
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