Justice Stevens
In an interview with NPR released today, retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens came out in support for marijuana legalization.
When asked if he believed the federal government should legalize marijuana, the 94 year old former Justice replied:
“Yes, I really think that that’s another instance of public opinion [that’s] changed. And recognize that the distinction between marijuana and alcoholic beverages is really not much of a distinction. Alcohol, the prohibition against selling and dispensing alcoholic beverages has I think been generally, there’s a general consensus that it was not worth the cost. And I think really in time that will be the general consensus with respect to this particular drug.”
You can listen to the full interview from National Public Radio here.
Stevens joins the majority of Americans who are ready to see an end to our war on marijuana consumers and for the country to move towards a system of legalization and regulation.
Article republished from NORML