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Product Review: Huxley's BHO (Dabs) - Weedist

Review: Huxleys BHO (dabs)

Colorado medical marijuana patients will most likely be familiar with the brand name Beyond Mars, an edible company that we’ve reviewed here before on Weedist. Their incredibly consistent and tasty edibles like Fruit Chews and chocolate bars are a consistent fixture on Colorado dispensary shelves and have been keeping patients feeling great for several years now.

The same people who make Beyond Mars edibles also make and distribute hash oil, wax and other full melt concentrates under the name Huxley’s. I was lucky enough to tour their facility in Denver recently. Director of Sales Ty Duffy showed me around the Denver warehouse where all the great oil, edibles and other great cannabis products are produced.

I was also able to get a few samples of their high-quality BHO (butane honey oil). Currently available to Colorado medical marijuana patients, I’ve personally been familiar with Huxley’s wax in the past. My favorite has been their “flake”, a blond and crumbly strain-specific wax that is incredibly tasty and very strong.

Golden Goat looks so great!

Golden Goat looks so great!

Huxley’s also tests their concentrates, often putting the THC content on the back of many of their packaged wax. One of the new oils I sampled was Golden Goat, a sativa that is one of my favorite strains. When tested for residual solvent, this oil was tested at 1 ppm, meaning this is just about as clean as concentrate can possible get, with a taste to back it up. When dabbed on my quartz nail, it was sweet and full flavored with an up and energetic effect.

The other sample was Durban Poison, a very strong sativa that did not disappoint. A fruity taste filled my palate with every dab, and was also perfect for using to line a blunt wrap and add a really special kick to a sesh.

so easy to dab!

So easy to dab!

This oil is a perfect example of how versatile that well produced BHO can be. When well blasted and (most importantly) well purged, BHO is a clean and strong cannabis that is extremely effective. The best quality oil usually is a golden red honey color (which is where the name comes from), and both the Golden Goat and Durban Poison samples looked incredible and were viscous and easy to work with out of the syringe.

It was a thrill to get to check out the place where some of my favorite edibles and concentrates are produced, and the current BHO that Huxley’s is producing for Colorado medical marijuana patients is absolutely incredible. Look out for Huxley’s concentrates and Beyond Mars edibles in your Colorado medical marijuana dispensary.