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Meditate While You Medicate: Visualization - Weedist
Weed Lifestyle

Meditate While Your Medicate: Visualization, Source: http://www.drustvo-feniks.si/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/meditacija-drustvo-feniks.jpg

Meditation is an essential component for peace of mind and a healthy lifestyle. It facilitates healing and gives us a chance to see clearly. This series, Meditate While You Medicate, will focus on different meditation techniques that can be performed in conjunction with heady indica strains. Practice daily for clarity, focus, peace and enlightenment.

Visualization meditation is an effective way to leave stress behind and take a mini mind-vacation. Follow this simple exercise to free your mind of worries and embrace tranquility. If you have a meditation partner, try taking turns reading the instructions below, softly and slowly to one another.

  1. Create a comfortable setting, with meditative music, candles or incense and a comfortable spot to rest. Before you begin, smoke or vape some Hindu Kush, a potent indica with a calming body effect and refreshingly clear head high, which will help facilitate the visualizations. Once comfortably stoned, you may either lie down or sit in a comfortable meditation position such as lotus pose. If you choose to lie down, be sure to allow your body to fully relax. Focus on breathing. Deep, slow breaths in and out.
  2. Close your eyes and begin to clear your mind. Let the days activities melt away; let tomorrow’s responsibilities fade. Try to find the empty space between thoughts and just let silence take hold for a moment.
  3. Once relaxed, begin to move into a calming visualization. This could be a peaceful babbling brook in the valley of a mountain, green all around and sun shining through the trees. Or perhaps you prefer a white sandy beach with warm sun on your face and the sound of ocean waves crashing against the shore. Perhaps your meditative visualization isn’t an Earthly place at all, but rather a bright, warm, healing light encompassing your entire form and holding you as you float gently in space.
  4. Pick imagery that comforts you, and then hone in on the details. Imagine the smells, the way it feels, the temperature, the sounds. Focus on the details as you let your current surroundings melt away and be replaced with this meditative visualization.
  5. Remember to breath steadily and deeply. Focus on your visualization in silence for 10-15 minutes, or as long as is comfortable.

When finished, take a deep breath, open your eyes and smile.

Meditate While You Medicate Series:

  1. Chakra Cleanse
  2. Body Mindfulness
  3. Visualization [this post]
  4. Quiet Mind
  5. Awareness