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Meditate While You Medicate: Quiet Mind - Weedist
Weed Lifestyle

Meditate While You Medicate: Quiet Mind, Source: http://www.ravimuda.ee/uploads/images/Gallery/sample2.jpg

Meditation is an essential component for peace of mind and a healthy lifestyle. It facilitates healing and gives us a chance to see clearly. This series, Meditate While You Medicate, will focus on different meditation techniques that can be performed in conjunction with heady indica strains. Practice daily for clarity, focus, peace and enlightenment.

The world is a busy and noisy place. It’s easy to feel overstimulated. Learning to quiet the mind is a powerful technique for promoting peace within oneself and learning to tune our negative thoughts or an overactive mind. Another great benefit of this exercise is that it puts the practitioner in greater touch with their intuition, allowing one to find the answers they seek. Follow this simple exercise to quiet the mind and tune in with your intuition. If you have a meditation partner, try taking turns reading the below instructions softly and slowly to one another.

  1. Create a comfortable setting with candles or incense and a comfortable place to rest. Calm meditative music is optional. Before you begin, smoke or vape some God’s Gift, a heavy indica that helps relieve pain and facilitates a peaceful daze. Once comfortably stoned, sit or lay in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Focus on breathing. Deep, slow breaths in and out.
  2. As you rest, begin to let the day fade away. Put aside thoughts of current responsibilities, obligations or future tasks. Let the events of the day go, and bring yourself to full awareness of this present moment. Really begin to hone in on your breathing, feel your chest and belly slowly rise and fall as you inhale and exhale. Continue to breathe slowly and evenly.
  3. Finally, begin to let your thoughts drift away. Try to find that empty space. Try, even for just a moment, to think of nothing at all. Hold on to that moment of bliss, and when the thoughts begin to creep back in, as they surely will, do not stress. Simply let go and find your space of quiet once more. Repeat this process for 10-15 minutes, or as long as is comfortable.

When finished, slowly open eyes and smile.

Meditate While You Medicate Series:

  1. Chakra Cleanse
  2. Body Mindfulness
  3. Visualization
  4. Quiet Mind [this post]
  5. Awareness