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Meditate While You Medicate: Body Mindfulness - Weedist
Weed Lifestyle

Meditate While Your Medicate: Body Mindfulness, Source: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-bHGVY3d-EEM/TrIQBI_tJnI/AAAAAAAAATY/vGaeN7qK-_4/s1600/savasana.jpg

Meditation is an essential component for peace of mind and a healthy lifestyle. It facilitates healing and gives us a chance to see clearly. This series, Meditate While You Medicate, will focus on different meditation techniques that can be performed in conjunction with heady indica strains. Practice daily for clarity, focus, peace and enlightenment.

Mindfulness is a powerful tool for relaxation and overcoming mental distress. Follow this simple exercise to promote well being in body and mind. If you have a meditation partner, try taking turns reading the instructions below, softly and slowly to one another.

Create a comfortable setting, with meditative music, candles or incense and a soft spot to lay. Before you begin, smoke or vape some Grand Daddy Purple, a powerful indica for relaxing into a deep body melt. Once comfortably stoned, lay flat on your back. Arms rest at your sides, palms up, fingers relaxed. Feet fall outwards, and let your whole form sink into the ground. Focus on breathing. Deep, slow breaths in and out.

Close your eyes and begin to let your mind scan over your body. As you focus on each part, consciously breathe into any areas that hold discomfort. Will your body to relax and let go of tension.

  1. Begin by bringing attention to your feet, allowing them to fall outwards and relax.
  2. Move your attention up your legs, letting go of tension in your calves, thighs, hips, buttock and pelvis. Let your whole body sink heavily into the earth beneath you.
  3. Use your mind to continue scanning up your form, letting go of stress and tightness in your muscles. Focus on your stomach, lower back, upper back, chest, both arms, hands and all ten fingers.
  4. Then move on to your shoulders and let gravity take hold.
  5. Finally, complete your mindfulness body scan by bringing attention to your neck, head and all the muscles in your face; relaxing cheeks, jaw, eyebrows, forehead and eyes.
  6. Once the body mindfulness scan has been completed, enjoy the feel of your form succumbing to gravity and the release of tension. Focus on your breathing and clear your mind of all thoughts, bringing it to stillness. Rest like this for a few minutes, or as long as is comfortable.

When ready to end the meditation, reopen your eyes and smile.

Meditate While You Medicate Series:

  1. Chakra Cleanse
  2. Body Mindfulness [this post]
  3. Visualization
  4. Quiet Mind
  5. Awareness