Timing is everything in life. Perhaps that adage goes doubly true for celebrities and double that again for politicians. Is it unfair that we scrutinize their lives so much? Perhaps. But if you want us to put you in a power position that grants you authority to enact laws that will affect us, you’ve got to pick your battles wisely.
In mid-late April New Jersey Governor, Chris Christie, vehemently laid out his plan for legal marijuana in the garden state: “over my dead body.”

“…we wants to smoke us all ourselves, doesn’t we, Precious?”
Okay. He didn’t get up on stage and stomp a pot seed into dust with his heel while screaming, “you can plant this when you slay me in single combat!” But for a one time GOP 2016 Presidential favorite who has come off the rails following the ridiculous Bridgegate incident, it serves to show just how far removed he is from his constituency’s values.
Gov. Christie, during a radio interview, responded to a caller who asked about cannabis legalization. “You say it’s going to come down the road,” said Christie, cutting off the question. “You know it may come down the road when I’m gone. It’s not going to come while I’m here.”
Anyone who even has their thumb moderately on the pulse of the nation can see the writing on the wall. Pot is here to stay and it’s only going to gain traction as more of the nonsense and lies are obliterated by the truth and anecdotal, personal experience.
Colorado politicians fired back at Christie, “I think when you’re running for president and you haven’t been to a state you know nothing about, you’re likely to say outlandish things,” said Colorado Democrat, Dan Pabon, a coauthor of Colorado’s cannabis regulations. “When you’re counting your electoral votes, I guess he doesn’t think he needs Colorado’s nine.”
To all politicians who hope to be relevant in the next couple of decades: let Christie be your Ghost of Christmas Future. Change your ways, hop on this green snowball because a stanky avalanche is on the way.