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Cannabis Bonsai - Weedist

Cannabis Bonsai, Source: http://boards.cannabis.com/attachments/growing-information/225980d1251232514-my-bonsai-her-new-box-p8260092.jpg

I just thought this was such a cool notion, I wanted to share it. I have always had a respect for the craft of bonsai (thanks, no doubt, to an affinity for the Karate Kid). I just appreciate the patience and dedication it takes to bend the will of nature and also of the meditative qualities that bonsai practitioners report come from their art.

Title: Cannabis Bonsai, Source: http://boards.cannabis.com/attachments/basic-growing/226342d1251665024-information-bonsai-cannabis-halloween_2007_ulf_cannabis_sativa.jpgI suppose it makes sense. Cannabis growing, like bonsai cultivation, is an art form. A cursory glance at a bag of weed will tell you if it was grown with care and expertise. Likewise, a bonsai shaped and groomed over years by a skilled artisan will create a stark contrast to a rushed hack job being passed off as bonsai.

I grow a tea tree at my house. It is not something I use for actually making the tea I drink, but my appreciation of tea led me to want to grow a tea tree. In like fashion, I’ll likely try to grow a cannabis bonsai; just not yet. I’ll wait till my kids are older.

I am no horticulturist and my knowledge of plant cultivation goes about as deep as the internet and the Western Garden Book. However, it crossed my mind that since cannabis grows at a significantly faster rate than say, a sequoia, you could feasibly grow bonsai cannabis plants so people could have a sense of growing their own weed in a microcosm. Anyone who would like to try their hand at growing cannabis, but are limited with resources and space for a home grow, could still get that chance to use their own hands to grow something that they love. Maybe that’s just my imagination going crazy, but the thought of some skyrise penthouse deck covered in cannabis bonsai would tickle even the most aspirational of rappers.

Check out these cool cannabis bonsai plants:

Title: Cannabis Bonsai, Source:http://24.media.tumblr.com/53fe3c0938c27abea2b86836b727b162/tumblr_mgi80rDRLG1rnfmxqo1_1280.jpg

Title: Cannabis Bonsai, Source: http://files.shroomery.org/files/13-35/807298106-9754orangebud_4weeks_flower6_1.jpg

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By: Raylan Campbell. Permalink: permalink Shortlink: http://weedi.st/rLPKv