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Book Review: The Marijuana Diet - Weedist
Weed Lifestyle

Book Review: The Marijuana Diet, Source: http://www.stonerdays.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/2013-08-13-10.05.59.jpgArt Glass, a 66 year old cannabis consumer, recently put out a book that seems somewhat contradictory in its title: The Marijuana Diet.

This is a true diet, exercise and nutrition book (at least as official as any of the other diet books) that details methods and practices to help the reader drop weight and feel healthier. The twist is that you also incorporate marijuana into your plans.

Now, it may seem a strange notion considering the ravenous glutton that has come out of all of us when in the clutches of Munchie Madness. But, I think Mr. Glass is touching on some good points in his approach.

I’ll admit that I used to get some pretty hardcore munchies. I mean, you can’t actually enjoy a mayonnaise, wonder bread and Kraft powdered Parmesan sandwich unless you’re pretty blazed. Occasionally, I still get a random bout of those werewolf cravings. But I do think that, as you get further into your “career” as a stoner, the effects of munchies and memory loss and all that lessen. I still enjoy taking a nice bong rip prior to a meal, but I don’t eat any more food than I would sober and my food is all pretty healthy these days.


It is not the “normal” nutrition/exercise information that sets this book apart. Indeed, Mr. Glass himself lost weight prior to writing this book and is relating his journey. He ate sensibly, exercised, cut out refined sugars and flour and he got results. Taking what I know about this topic, that seems to be the standard theme regardless of the method. Eat right, work out, no sugar = weight loss.

So where does the marijuana come into the picture? In this diet, marijuana is used primarily for its mental effects. It is Glass’ contention that marijuana helps one explore, process, and ultimately release the stresses and psychological influences that, he believes, are the root of this issue. “Losing weight is one of the most challenging things there is,” he says. “Marijuana helps you get in touch with yourself, let go of the crap you don’t need, and when you let go of that psychological crap, you will let go of your weight.”

I agree with this. I dropped over 60 pounds in 10 months a few years back. It was a total metamorphosis for me. Yes, I was eating differently. Yes, I was exercising. But mostly, I got really into yoga and smoked a lot of weed. It was through those avenues that I became more conscious of what I was putting in my body. I asked myself, “how do I want to feel after I eat?” and let it guide me.

The psychology of why we eat is one of the least addressed facets of health and weight loss. It is tantamount to treating symptoms instead of seeking to stop the cause. Being physically unhealthy can be a symptom of mental stress and marijuana certainly does wonders for mental stress.

Also, how awesome is a book where the phrase “smoke your fat away” is printed on the cover?