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Product Review: RedHook's Joint Effort Ale - Weedist

Joint Effort Ale - Weedist, Source: Prospero

As a way to celebrate the legalization of recreational cannabis use in Washington, Red Hook brewery partnered up with Hilliards to craft a brew made from hemp seeds, Zeus, Cascade, and Summit hops. The result was the Red Hook Joint effort ale, a “dubious collaboration between two buds.”

While the beer is made with hemp seeds it doesn’t contain any THC, so you won’t have to worry about getting any THC in your system.

I picked up a few of these from Emerald City Spirits in Seattle. If you’re in the area, I recommend checking the place out; they’ve got a great selection and really friendly staff.

Before opening the bottle and taking the first sip, I wondered what it would taste like. Would it be like Corona and taste like weed? Or would it have a different yet unique flavor?

I cracked it open and took in the aroma. Smelled hoppy and a little hempy, but no marijuana musk. I took a sip. Hmm. Interesting. It certainly didn’t taste like weed. It sort of tasted like you’d think hemp would taste, but not in a bad way. It was earthy, hoppy, and refreshing. I like it.

Joint effort has a nice amber color, and when I poured it into a glass it formed a nice foam head- something I always like. While drinking it I was playing Dark Souls on my xbox and before I knew it the beer was gone.

Unfortunately the beer is not available outside of Washington, so if you live in this great state, make sure to try out this exclusive ale!