Pew Research Center recently put out a report on a survey that collected data on Millennials (those currently in the 18-33 age group) in adulthood. The survey found some interesting things. Millennials set records for having the most racially diverse, non-politically affiliated, non-religiously affiliated demographic on record. While many Millennials won’t label themselves as Democrat or Republican, they tend to favor liberal issues such as same-sex marriage and, pertinent to us, marijuana legalization.
From the survey:
“Millennials’ support for legalizing the use of marijuana has surged in recent years. Just eight years ago, 34% favored the legal use of marijuana. Today, that figure has roughly doubled to 69%.
Support for legalizing marijuana has risen over the same period among Gen Xers and Boomers, though less dramatically. Currently, 53% of Gen Xers and 52% of Boomers say marijuana should be legal, up 19 points and 18 points, respectively, since 2006. Silents have shown far less change. Just 30% say marijuana use should be legal, three points higher than eight years ago.
Boomers’ support for marijuana legalization peaked in the late 1970s, before plummeting in the 1980s. But today, Boomers’ support for legalizing marijuana is greater than it was four decades ago.”
Some cool stats on Gen Xers and Boomers, too. Here is an article about cannabis use increasing among Boomers.
Personally, I don’t mind these globally-minded youngsters taking the reigns heading into the future. While each generation has its own mistakes to make and triumphs to celebrate, what is overwhelmingly clear to me is that, at least in regard to cannabis, the old regime really sat on its nuts.