(Highly Educated Domeless Nail w/ matching Carb Cap.)
“Let that nail cool down,” I got told and I feel like it’s a tip passed on to every noobie dabber. I mean it’s not like it’s obvious seeing as how we use torches to heat the damn things. Many a glowing red nail dab did I take before being told I was incinerating a little of my precious errl. DOH!
As it turns out, the nail can be too hot. We put out some gnarley smoke shows, but us dabbers are just a bunch of vaporizers after all.
The problem is the nail can be too cold too. Dabbers who notice steam trickling off their cooling nail can’t seem to suck down, know what I mean. SERENITY NOW! It’s at that point that, are you ready for this, you need just a little more heat. The torch is too much heat, hmmm….what to do…what to do.
VOILA! How about a miniature dutch oven for our nail. Welcome to carb cappin’ or low temp dabbin’.
Scientists out there correct me if I am wrong, but I believe what we have here is the miracle of convection. Heat rises right into that little hood, gets trapped and our errl gets to bubbling again.
When it looks dead, you get a bunch of extra dab if ya do it right, mint. It’s that simple, it’s all the rage in dabdom and it has the best side effect ever, FLAVOR. If you really wanna taste the quality of your concentrates, low temp dab them. Anything nasty, or “taney” is gonna be uber amplified under the cap.
However, if your shatter is on point, then hell yes enjoy the OFZ, or Optimal Flavor Zone. That’s what Mothership Glass kingpin Scott Deppe calls his carb cap. His are made of glass and are sexy as hell. They are designed to work exclusively with their Honeybuckets as featured in the Mothership Piece of the Week.
The cap featured at the top of the post is from titanium master Highly Educated and it’s the one that I rock. Seasoned dabbers who aren’t capped yet, it’s time to chill out dope fam. #lowtemp
(Photo: 420TITANIUM)