Up here in Seattle we have been known to go many, many days without sunlight. Seriously, we have gone over 100 days of solid, consistent overcast skies. It rains a lot too, but I think it’s that prolonged lack of life-giving sunshine that really wears on me after a while. It’s not so bad in the summertime or even the fall when the temperatures are warmer and the sun becomes a more pronounced presence. But the winter’s up here can be brutal. I have noticed that native Washingtonians seem to float by, unaffected by the dearth of light. For transplants, however, the solar absence can be stifling. Truth be told, I think that the natives are affected as well, they just haven’t lived in a sun-filled place and have no frame of reference. As a native Californian, I notice when my sun is too long from my sight.
I have found a place that I like to frequent during those horrid, soaking, lightless winter months. That place is also an amazing place to visit while stoned. I’m talking about the Butterfly House at the Pacific Science Center.
This chunk of text from the official website tells is beautifully:
“Pacific Science Center’s Tropical Butterfly House opened Dec. 26, 1998. Our goal in creating this 4,000 square foot exhibit was to build an immersive exhibit that would provide a glimpse into a part of the world very unlike Seattle — a warm, sunny place where colorful butterflies are active 365 days a year. Seattle skies do not provide the light necessary for tropical species to thrive. Supplemental heat, light, and humidity are provided to sustain a tropical ecosystem among the cool, grey, drizzly days of the Pacific Northwest. We import about 500 tropical butterflies weekly, from South and Central America, Africa, and Asia. Our butterflies are responsibly raised in sustainable rainforest farms. We are proud to participate in the positive economic, cultural, and environmental impacts butterfly farming makes throughout the world.”
Not only can you get a break from the Seattle gloom, but who among us doesn’t love smoking a bowl and hanging out with butterflies? If you go at the right times, you can have the whole butterfly house to yourself. Sit in one spot long enough, and the little winged friends will come investigate you. I don’t want to get too spiritual on you, but suffice to say that having a butterfly land on your head or hover in front of your face and look you in the eye is pretty sweet.
If you find yourself stoned, cold, and missing warmer climes do check out this little tropical oasis nestled in heart of downtown Seattle.