Low THC and high CBD = great pain relief with a clear head high!
CBD is a cannabanoid that has been getting a lot of press in the last few years, both here on Weedist and on much larger forums like CNN. Its power lies in its ability to help the human body with pain, by reducing inflammation and generally acting in many cases with a numbing and relaxing effect.
There are several strains available in both recreational marijuana stores and medical marijuana dispensaries alike that are high in CBD and lower in THC, which is what typically provides the “stoned” pyschoactive effect. These have become some of my favorite strains because the best ones provide an amazingly relaxing pain relief effect without the debilitating effect that typically comes from the best buds. I’ve written about Critical Mass and a few other good concentrates, but I think the best overall CBD strain I’ve found is Rubicon.
Rubicon has been tested at 9% THC (which is very low for a strain of raw flower), but 9.5% CBD (which is crazy high for a strain of raw flower). The effect can best be described as something close to a very mild muscle relaxation, which is great for a soothing and numbing effect at the end of a very long day.
Because it’s not as high in THC, however, Rubicon can also be a good option for those who want to medicate during the day for pain but who need to remain relatively clear headed. For so many strains, this is really where they fail, during the day. Some of the best strains for getting stoned are not the best for practical, every day use. Rubicon, on the other hand, is a different kind of strain.
The sweet and fruity taste and good, dense bud structure is another feature that is instantly attractive about Rubicon, with a flavor that has never gotten old to me after many uses. Overall, Rubicon is a great strain that should be tried by every Weedist who wants to know how incredible CBD-rich strains can be.