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How Did J.R.R. Tolkien Feel About Cannabis? - Weedist
Weed Lifestyle

It is not a new theory that the “pipe-weed” from Tolkien’s Hobbit and LOTR is actually cannabis. I thought I would do a little research on the subject and see what I could find.

Scholarly accounts would tell you that Tolkien, as a respected English professor and having written his Middle-Earth stories prior to 1949 would not really have had much exposure or knowledge of cannabis as we know it today. We know marijuana as a plant existed during that time, but its use as a recreational or medicinal drug was nearly non-existent.

Tolkien often referred to himself as “a hobbit in all but size” and thoroughly enjoyed smoking his tobacco pipe. In the prologue to LOTR, hobbit pipe-weed is described as a “variety probably of Nicotiana” which is another name for tobacco. Additionally, several correspondence have been found wherein Tolkien has conversations with fans asking about what exactly pipe-weed is. At no point does he ever refer to the weed as anything other than tobacco.

How Did J.R.R. Tolkien Feel About Cannabis?, Source:http://alcp.org.nz/docs/lotr/hob1.jpg

Tolkein’s writings and marijuana both achieved mass popularity during the 1960’s and 1970’s which is likely where we get the inference of cannabis in Middle-Earth. Although, there is one passage from The Unfinished Tales where in Gandalf is responding to Saruman who is being characteristically bitchy about Gandalf’s love of the “halfling-leaf”:

Both the silence and the smoke seemed greatly to annoy Saruman, and before the Council dispersed he said to Gandalf: ‘When weighty matters are in debate, Mithrandir, I wonder a little that you should play with your toys of fire and smoke, while others are in earnest speech.’ But Gandalf laughed, and replied: ‘You would not wonder, if you used this herb yourself. You might find that smoke blown out cleared your mind of shadows within. Anyway it gives patience, to listen to error without anger. But it is not one of my toys. It is an art of the Little People away in the West. Merry and worthy folk, though not of much account, perhaps, in your high policies.’

Also, in Peter Jackson’s films, Saruman comments to Gandalf that “your love of the halfling-leaf has clearly slowed your mind” and he also remarks about Radagast (the Brown wizard) something to the effect of “too many mushrooms have addled his mind.” Now, I do not believe these comments exist in the books. There is also a point in the LOTR Extended versions where Merry and Pippin are smoking and Merry looks at Pippin and says “you smoke too much, Pippin.” Finally, there is a scene from the Hobbit where Gandalf offers Radagast a draw from his pipe to calm him down. Again, this could either be tobacco or cannabis, but my experience with tobacco is quite the opposite of calm.

So what’s the truth? We may never know for certain. I tend to think (based on nothing more than a feeling) that Tolkein knew about and used cannabis. Considering the era in which he lived and his profession, it’s not surprising to think that he may have partook in marijuana without declaring so from the roof tops. I will say that I think the films do a much stronger job of hinting at possible marijuana parallels than do the books.

Whatever the truth, cannabis and Tolkein’s masterpieces make superb bedfellows. The stories are imaginative, full of fantasy and rich with vivid scenery and mythical wonderment. I think it is also interesting to consider that the Hobbits (infamous for their pipe-weed throughout Middle-Earth) are the only race that had the natural fortitude of spirit to resist the call of the One Ring. Look at Gollum after he lost the ring or any of the other lesser-willed creatures that tried to steal it as their own. They behave like severe drug addicts. That could be the best pro-weed/anti-hard drug commercial out there: Smoke “pipe-weed” and have the strength to be good and do the right thing; snort the One Ring and wither like a ring-wraith.” Can’t you just see the poster? Sméagol is the “before” picture and Gollum is the “after.”

How Did J.R.R. Tolkien Feel About Cannabis?, Source:http://cdn.thegloss.com/files/2011/10/gollum.jpg
Don’t do Ring, guys. It will fuck up your life.

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By: Raylan Campbell. Permalink: permalink Shortlink: http://weedi.st/mIIHE