Rep. Sherry Jones (D-Nashville)
Rep. Sherry Jones has taken an important step for seriously ill patients in Tennessee and introduced a medical marijuana bill, HB 1385.
The bill, known as the Koozer-Kuhn Medical Cannabis Act, would establish a regulatory system similar to those adopted in 20 other states and the District of Columbia. Rep. Jones recently told WRCB-TV that the bill is “simply a matter of being rational and compassionate.”
The bill is named after Piper Koozer, a child from Tennessee who suffers from a very serious seizure disorder related to Aicardi syndrome. Piper’s family believes he would benefit from a non-psychoactive component in medical marijuana known as CBD, but relocated to Colorado until Tennessee law changes.
Jeanne Kuhn passed away after a battle with cancer, but benefitted from the use of medical marijuana toward the end of her life. She was considered a criminal under Tennessee law for the use of medical marijuana to help alleviate her suffering.
If you are a Tennessee resident, please take a moment to send an email message to your representative and senator to ask for their support for this bill.
Article republished from Marijuana Policy Project