While it is absolutely amazing that Colorado (already has) and Washington (sometime this year) are opening up recreational marijuana retail shops, I am concerned with how the WA State Liquor Control Board hopes to decimate the MMJ industry in WA.
As a MMJ patient, this directly affects me and many of my fellow patients. From taxes to limited strain access, reduced home-grows to drastic reductions in access points, it seems that recreational cannabis is poised to basically ruin the medical cannabis community.
Beyond the foreseeable hindrances to getting my medicine, I intellectually take issue with treating recreational marijuana (RMJ) the same as medical marijuana (MMJ). The main reason I feel that these two communities should be kept separate comes down to the intention behind seeking marijuana.
The recreational user is likely tantamount to the recreational drinker. These are people who are looking to unwind, decompress, have a fun party with their friends or what have you. This is not a criticism! I wholly support the recreational use of cannabis and think it is a far better choice than just about anything else out there if you’re looking for a good time with minimal risk. My beef is that the WA cannabis industry is seemingly being contoured to purely recreational users.
MMJ patients are not looking for a substitute for drinking or a fun party-time accessory. We are people with legitimate medical issues who have found great relief by using cannabis. I really don’t mind the recreational market, but I am afraid that it will inexorably alter the MMJ industry for the worse. Let’s say, for instance, that I am having really great results from a specfic strain of sativa and I run out. Currently, I can go to my dispensary and restock or at least talk with the budtenders and find a comparable substitution. If the WALCB gets their way, I’ll have to cross my fingers and hope that a) they have a strain that will help me and b) that it is quality bud grown with care.
Mass produced anything tends to favor the bottom line versus quality product. It truly bothers me to think of some Marlboro-esque mega-corporation growing cannabis and having the state stores sell it. I don’t want pesticides and chemicals on my bud. And what about patients who like the high CBD strains? You really think any recreational pot-shop will sell a strain that won’t get you high?
My argument is that these are two rather disparate populations that really aren’t in competition with one another. As I have written about before, why would someone go through all the red-tape of getting a MMJ authorization if they can simply get some bud at a pot shop? They wouldn’t. Nor are these people as likely to either care or even know what strain/quality they are smoking. By attempting to merge (basically destroy MMJ) the two industries, they are catering to a population that will be unaffected by the existence of MMJ dispensaries while absolutely damaging the quality of life for MMJ patients. As I see it, RMJ users have no reason to be concerned with MMJ, but MMJ has a lot to worry about from the RMJ market.
If it ain’t broke, don’t f&$K with it!
After delving into this topic pretty deeply over the last few months, I still cannot find a motivation for clamping down on the MMJ industry other than greed. The state is worried that MMJ dispensaries will keep money away from their coffers, plain and simple. WA’s current MMJ industry offers unparalleled selection and plenty of access points with the promise of quality grown and cultivated cannabis. Why change it now?
Look at the cannabis industry like a pie. It’s like MMJ users have been eating one slice of pie for years, the only slice around. Now, with the new laws about RMJ, it’s like there have been 10 pies cooked and ready to serve–more than enough for all–but the state isn’t happy with the 99 slices of pie they have, they need to have that one piece that MMJ has been eating. Keep in mind that the MMJ industry is not really pushing to expand with the new laws, we just want to be left the hell alone. We only asked for one piece of pie and we are exceptionally satisfied with it, please be content with your mountain of pie and leave us in peace.