This is my recipe for a slow-roasted cannabrisket.
Here’s What You Need:
- Brisket – I figure on about 8-10 oz per person. I usually divide the amount of guests by 2 and get a brisket of that size (i.e. if 10 people will be eating, I’ll shoot for a 5-6 lb cut of meat).
- Dry rub of spices (create your own) – I like to mix salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, a little chili powder and cumin and a touch of coriander or marjoram (both if you’re feeling sassy).
- 4 large carrots, peeled and sliced into ½ inch rounds
- 2 large shallots, peeled and sliced into ⅛ inch rounds
- 7-8 cloves of garlic, peeled, slightly crushed but otherwise whole
- 1 head of fennel, trim off the ends and slice it into ¼ inch pieces
- a few sprigs of fresh thyme and tarragon
- 2 quarts of chicken or beef stock
- 1 cup of red wine
- 1 cup apple cider vinegar
- 1 lb cannabutter or about a cup of cannaoil (I prefer butter)
How to Make Cannabrisket:

Step 1: Find THIS cow!
Preheat oven to 325°F.
Rub the mixture of spices all over your brisket, you literally cannot rub too much on.
Heat some cooking oil in a large skillet/frying pan (you are going to sear/brown the entire outside of the meat, so use a large enough pan and enough oil to get the job done). You can opt for cannaoil at this stage, but I usually do not as it’s kind of a waste of cannabis oil and the effect will be minimal at best. A much better cannabis application comes later in the recipe.
Get the oil almost smoking hot and put the meat into it. Let it sear for a few minutes until it is a dark, rich brown and feels slightly crusty to the touch. Flip your meat over and repeat on all sides. The flash sear on the outside locks the flavor into the meat.
Once you have seared the meat to your desired point, set the meat into a deeper baking pan (about a three inch deep pan is good) and let it rest. Turn the oil down slightly and toss in the carrots, shallots and fennel. Saute these veggies until they are nicely browned and caramelized.
When veggies are done, spread them around in the pan with the brisket and remove the frying pan as we are done with it. Add the vinegar, stock, and wine to the brisket pan along with the garlic cloves, thyme and tarragon (whole). Cover it tightly with foil and put it into the preheated oven.
Leave it alone for about 3 hours. After 3 hours, carefully peel back the foil a little and, using a fork, test for tenderness. The meat should be on the verge of flaking apart with the fork; if it is still dense and hard to penetrate, just re-cover it and put it back into the oven, checking on it over 30 mins until its ready. If your meat looks a little dry, reapply the liquid in the pan on top of the meat to moisturize it.
After the initial cook, pull the pan out and turn the oven up to 350-375°F. Put the entire pound of cannabutter or the full cup of oil into the pan. Using a spoon or baster, take some of the liquid in the pan and drizzle it back on top of the meat to keep it moist. Re-cover with foil and put back in the over for about 1-2 hours, depending on how tender and soft you want the meat.
When it’s as done as you like it, pull it from the oven and just let it rest for 15-20 minutes, during this phase, the meat will cool slightly and actually suck up some of the juices.
Cut and serve.
The cannabis factor with brisket:
With this dish, the cannabis lives in the liquid. A properly cooked brisket will soak up some of that juice and infuse itself with the dissolved cannabis. When you eat a serving of this, be sure to spoon some of the liquid from the pan atop your portion. Truth be told, the liquid will be so tasty and cannabis-rich you could feasibly just strain and drink it.
A cannabrisket is a very flavorful and sneaky way to get cannabis into your food. The combination of the savory flavors and the strong hints of wine/vinegar make it so the cannabis is nearly imperceptible to the tongue, but you will notice it in your body.