Parents4Pot (P4P) is a newly formed group that went from zero to over five thousand “Likes” in just a couple of weeks on Facebook.
With twenty-one legal medical marijuana states and Colorado and Washington embracing full legalization, it is time to remove the stigma from responsible cannabis use. Parents4Pot strives to do this in a number of ways.
The founding members include well-known cannabis activists from across the country. The list includes Micky Martin from California, author of Medical Marijuana 101 and successful cannabusiness owner, Diane Formbacher from New Jersey, Publisher and editor at Ladybud, Brandon Krenzler and Erin Purchase of the Brave Family in Oregon, busy advocates for children’s use of medical cannabis, Victoria LaChapelle, a nurse and activist from Wisconsin and Deannajean Fact, an activist and Mom from Minnesota to name a few.

The Brave Family and Mickey Martin on a panel at the Emerald Cup
The fledgling group has already gained exposure with a booth at the recent Emerald Cup in Santa Rosa, California, where the first fund raiser to get P4P off the ground took place. Interviews on the Michigan radio show, Seed2Cure and a feature at Ladybud have also brought attention to this new organization. You can even find P4P included in the Public Service Announcements found right here on weedist.
The P4P Holiday Drive is the first big event by the group. A lot of people are participating to help bring gifts and a little holiday cheer to families of drug war prisoners across the country. The event will run though the holiday season and into January.
Even after the holiday season, these families need help. It’s never the wrong time to help out. What makes Parents4Pot unique beyond its mission is its lack of affiliation with any of the major players or groups in the cannabis movement, making it truly a grassroots effort.

Working the booth at the Emerald Cup
P4P’s goal is to become a resource for parents about cannabis issues that help readers maneuver their way through the changing paradigm now that cannabis is becoming mainstream. Parents need sensible ways to talk to their children about the changes that are happening. They need a place where they can feel valued instead of stigmatized for their choice to use cannabis for medical use for themselves and their children. They need to find acceptance for their decision to choose cannabis over alcohol as a way to relax. Parents need resources to help them when their kids get busted – or worse, when they get busted. P4P strives to be that resource.
To get involved, please consider joining P4P here. You can also follow them on Facebook and Twitter. You can also call their message line at 925-309-7110. It’s time for parents to come out of the cannabis closet and say, “I smoke pot, and I am a good parent.”