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Incredible Video Shows How Cannabis Really DOES Help Cerebral Palsy
Medical Marijuana

Add this video to the long line of evidence that marijuana does have medical value and really does help people in need.

I’ll let Jacqueline Patterson, the cerebral palsy patient who is the subject of the video, do most of the talking here, since I feel that it’s rapidly approaching a point where our side is out of new things to say to sway anyone who still believes that marijuana cannot be used as safe and extremely effective medicine. The before and after here is staggering, of course, and should be seen by everyone who doubts how powerful cannabis can be.

After being busted for (illegally) buying marijuana in Iowa, Jacqueline moved to California, a medical marijuana state where she now has safe and legal access to her life-altering medicine. You can check Jacqueline out on Twitter at @medicalmaryjane.

This clip is taken from a larger documentary on the subject, In Pot We Trust, which can be viewed in its entirety free of charge at this website.