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Weedist Events Hempfest Toker's Bowl and Masquerade Gala - Weedist
Weed Lifestyle


I must admit I don’t normally do Halloween. However, when I received an invitation to the Hempfest Toker’s Bowl and Masquerade Gala, I figured, what the hell? Legal weed, stoners, costumes and perhaps an IPA or two—this sounded like a pretty good time.

I was wrong; it was a great time! I had received the emails in the past, but this was the first Hempfest sponsored event I attended. In addition to the festival itself, current Hempfest members enjoy year round invitations to all sorts of various pot gatherings around Seattle. Hempfest certainly hasn’t wasted any time enjoying legalization.

The event was held at a small sports bar called The Luxe down in the “U District”. Admittedly, the venue left a lot to be desired, but the ambience more than made up for it. I continue to enjoy the low key and drama free environment these types of stoner events produce. There was a brief costume contest and a few quick words on what Hempfest was up to, and then it was toking time. The live band played on and us potheads were left to our own devices. As you might imagine I spent most of my evening outside in the smokers lounge (courtyard with a firepit!).

It’s worth noting that despite the circles I normally revolve in, this was not a dab event. There may have been a vape pen or two, but I’d wager they contained flowers. That’s not a criticism; I still love and will always love my flowers. You know me though—I had my recycler hanging around my neck and a halfie of OG Boba Fett Shatter in my pocket. And that folks, is what I enjoy the most—the opportunity to introduce new people to concentrates. As widespread as dabbing is out here, you would be surprised how many potheads still have no idea what oil is. I guess I’ll just have to keep spreading the good news.

If you’re wondering what I went as, you won’t be disappointed. I’m a big University of Washington “U Dub” Huskies fan, so I decided to combine my passions. Take a close look at that poncho. You see all those shatter strain lids conveniently forming a W? I went as “U Dab”—get it? Waka waka waka #weedist

P.S. It was definitely cool to meet up with fellow contributor Mercedys there.

Diablo U Dab