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Pipes Exhibit, Ceci N'est Pas Une Pipe: Northwest Flameworking on the Brink of Legalization - Weedist
Weed Lifestyle

Mary Jane continues to kick ass and take names, as 58% of this great land of ours now sees things our way. However, we all know the court of public opinion can be a cruel mistress. It is at this crucial time we should make ourselves the best defendants possible, if you will.

I can’t think of a stronger stride forward than the event I attended a couple of weeks ago. It is nothing short of a treat to share with you the Ceci N’est Pas Une Pipe: Northwest Flameworking on the Brink of Legalization exhibit at the Seattle Design Center. Now this is what I am talking about people! A full-out exhibit… of head pipes!

We’re not talking your run-of-the-mill head pipes either. We’re talking the headiest headies the head has ever seen—pipes so insane you’d think they were pulled from a mythical furnace of swagga. Go ahead and take a dab…exhale, ahhh… now imagine how sick these rockstar-blown pieces would look in a legit art gallery.

Folks, it was nothing short of magical; the only thing missing (yet not missed) from this gallery opening was snootiness. In fact, the environment was so chill, instead of wine they were pouring craft IPAs. BONG! I went for the opening reception that welcomed some truly remarkable artists live and in the flesh. The pieces really speak for themselves here, so I am gonna shut up and let you guys enjoy.

Big shouts out to M. Slinger, Buck, Darby Holm, Nate Burress, Coyle, Elbo, Bird Dogg, Ryno— and Nate Dizzle, whose guitar is now fully functional and was demoed. Special thanks to Ebomb Glass and Rob Morrison; I don’t know that anything beats dabbin’ out with head pipers. Anyone in Seattle should go catch this show while it’s still on display. Way to stay classy Seattle. #weedist.

Pipes Exhibit, Ceci N'est Pas Une Pipe:Northwest Flameworking on the Brink of Legalization #coca