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Official Stoner Sport: Major League Ultimate Frisbee - Weedist
Pot Luck

Title: Official Stoner Sport: Major League Ultimate Frisbee, Source: http://www.vivecreativesolutions.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Ultimate-Frisbee.jpg

I actually thought I was seeing things and/or so high I was actively creating my reality as I viewed it when I happened upon a website for the Seattle Rainmakers, which I learned is one of 8 professional ultimate Frisbee teams in competition. This can’t be a coincidence. With cannabis fully legal in two states and a movement steamrolling in our country for other states to follow suit, wasn’t it only a matter of time until some potrepreneur wanted a piece of that professional sports dollar?

Now, I used to compete on an ultimate Frisbee team in college. It is one of the best stoner sports for any number of reasons. Hanging out in the sun, letting a disc float away on the breeze and and only sporadically sprinting here and there make Frisbee a classic cannabis activity. In what other sport can you toss the “ball” and have enough time to hit a blunt before it hits the ground?

One step closer to pro sports loosening their anachronistic stance on cannabis. I’m not up to speed on any official regulations of the MLU, but I can venture a guess that if they ban cannabis you will likely have a very depleted league. Oddly enough, Frisbee might be one sport wherein cannabis actually is a performance enhancing drug!

MLU is pretty new on the scene and it will remain to be seen if it stands the test of time or if it follows “Skating with the Stars” off into oblivion, but while it’s here I would feel remiss if I did not at least try to spread the word.

Categories: Features, Pot Luck, Weed Lifestyle
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By: Raylan Campbell. Permalink: permalink Shortlink: http://weedi.st/rXIAc