Every job has its work perks and I felt obligated to share my latest indulgence. I have raided the bottom of the shake bin to make kief cones… and they are awesome!
Every dispensary sells shake. There is a lot of it out there. The shake that is sold at the dispensary I work for is actually made from all the smaller buds that no one wants to buy at regular price. So this flower gets turned into shake by grinding it across a metal grate. Really this stuff is so much better than other dispensaries it could be re-branded as pre-ground flower ready for pre-rolling.
We sell shake in the standard three blends sativa, indica, and hybrid. There are a lot of patients that like our shake. We sell a ton of it because it smokes well, gets you high, and more importantly its under five dollars a gram.
So I came to work one morning and found that the hybrid shake bin was almost sold out. There was only a unsellable powder on the bottom of the plastic bin. Upon closer inspection I realized that this fine powder was kief. Piles and piles of kief. These bins are pulled out and put back to fill orders over and over all week long. Given enough time this process sifts the fine kief power to the bottom of the bin.
I enjoy trying new things and took this kief shake powder home to try it. I filled a regular cone, grabbed a drink and smoked it on my back deck. I have used kief as a topper before in bowls but I’ve never had enough for a whole cone. It lit like a normal joint and there’s enough plant material left in the kief mix to keep the cone burning as long as I smoked fairly quickly. The smoke was easy to draw and wasn’t too harsh.
The high I experienced was stronger than smoking regular flower and was less powerful than a dab. The high also lasted longer than normal. The hybrid mix of flowers kept me level headed through most of the high. I can’t really remember how long the high lasted but I did watch Dirt! The Movie and ate a jar of peanut butter. This is a movie I normally would never pick to watch but I now have a different understanding of soil. Bonus! At least I didn’t trap myself on the one of those shopping channels and buy hundreds of dollars of useless crap that I never remembered ordering.
I suppose that if you wanted to recreate this smoking experience one could purchase kief and mix it with shake to a 70% kief/30% shake blend. I’m taking a wild stab at the percentages since I have no scientific way to measure the blend. I have an indica kief cone waiting to be smoked with my name on it. I can hardly wait to see what that does to me. Maybe it could be the ultimate middle of the day nap time booster!