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Great Music While High: Skyrim OST - Weedist
Weed Lifestyle
Great Music While High: Skyrim OST - Weedist, Source: http://www.elderscrolls.com/

“Huzrah nu, kul do od, wah aan bok lingrah vod!”

Anyone who has played The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, knows it’s a great game. A large part of what makes it so great is it’s amazing soundtrack.

Oftentimes soundtracks aren’t given enough credit in how they influence a person’s impression of a game. This goes for movies as well. A great soundtrack makes certain scenes much more powerful, and this couldn’t be more true for Skyrim.

While sober, the Skyrim OST is captivating, but being high takes it to a whole new level. It’s a fully orchestrated original score. I enjoy it so much because I’m big on being in nature while high, and the OST has many soft, chill-out songs that make me feel surreal, even dreamlike.

Skyrim OST - WeedistIf you’ve never played Skyrim, or if you’re not big on video games in general, you should still listen to this soundtrack at least once while high. The composer, Jeremy Soule, also composed the tracks for the previous games and is a master at what he does.

My favorite songs for wandering around outside under the trees are Masser, Under an Ancient Sun, Awake, and Ancient Stones. More than anything else, songs like these fill me with an inner peace, high or not, that can’t be put into words. Next time your in chill-mode and looking for some soft tunes, listen to these songs.

The Skyrim OST also has faster, more energetic songs that I like to consider “epic boss battle music.” These are songs for when you’re charged up and want some mighty tunes to keep you flyin’. For this my favorites are Dragonborn, Blood and Steel, One They Fear, and Death or Sovngarde.

If you’re interested, check out some of these songs I listed. I get really excited about them, and I want to share that with you. Then, if you like what you hear, get the whole soundtrack. It’s available on iTunes!

Check out other posts from Weedist’s Great Music While High series!