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Great Edibles Recipes: Pot Infused Pesto - Weedist

Pot Infused Pesto | Source: http://lh6.ggpht.com/_tT0j87ogtSo/S9-U08IPKzI/AAAAAAAABV4/P9JoAXtRYUo/s1600/pesto%20chicken%20penne2.jpg

For a few days I’ve been craving delicious pasta, and when I came upon a recipe for pot infused pesto, I absolutely had to make it.

The recipe is pretty easy to make, and it tastes amazing.

Here’s What You Need:

  • some basil leaves
  • weed (I used 3 grams, but its up to you)
  • 1 oz. parmesan cheese
  • ½ cup extra virgin olive oil
  • 3 tablespoons pine nuts (I left them out)
  • 2 or 3 cloves of garlic, sliced up

How to Make Pot Infused Pesto:

Heat the marijuana in olive oil. The idea is to release the THC into the oil, so use a low setting so it doesn’t burn. I let it simmer at low for 20 minutes to make my cannaoil.

Prepare the basil. I used basil out of a spice thing you get at the store, so I didn’t have to do any slicing, but if you have access to fresh basil leaves, by all means use them.

Add the nuts and garlic to the basil and mix it up. Add some, but not all, of the parmesan cheese to this, then add the cannabis-infused oil.

Allow this to cool, then bust out your blender or food processor and blend it up until its a nice thick pesto paste.

Once you have the pesto, you can pour it over your favorite pasta. Then, add any leftover parmesan. I used mezze penne because that shit is delicious, and it turned out really well. I got a shallow buzz off this recipe, and next time I might use 5-8 grams instead of three.

You can also use the pesto sauce for pizza, sandwiches, or whatever, which makes the recipe versatile. Enjoy!

Check out other posts from Weedist’s Great Edibles Recipes series!