A study has found that examining breath for cannabinoids could be far more useful than the blood tests currently used to set the standard for impairment.
The study found that although chronic users (which it defines as using more than 4 times per week) tested positive longer after smoking than occasional smokers, almost no one tested positive 4 hours after smoking. The effectiveness of the test was generally about 2 hours, which sounds about right to me.
While I’m not thrilled about the thought of a cannabis breathalyzer, it definitely beats the current system (at least where I live) where a daily smoker can test above the blood/THC limit the day after consuming any weed. Here, anybody that smokes enough to qualify as a ‘cannabis connoisseur’ can pretty much lose their license at any time.
If you haven’t already seen them, check out this video on stoned driving, this study about cannabis and accidents, and this study about the reduction in alcohol traffic deaths related to MMJ laws.