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Help NORML Win a Commercial During the Super Bowl - Weedist
Weed Lifestyle

super bowl - Help NORML Win a Commercial During the Super Bowl, source: http://www.cnn.com/2013/02/04/opinion/downey-super-bowl/index.html

If the cannabis community will unite, NORML could win a free commercial during the Super Bowl. That’s right, if each of us cannabis supporters will take just a minute a day to vote for NORML and remind our friends to do the same, NORML can bring the message of the cannabis community into homes around America. For free. Hard to get a better return on investment than that.

NORML has already reached the #6 position within the contest, but that’s not good enough. They need more votes! The stakes are high.

As Communications Director Erik Altieri explained: “With the last election and with the recent announcement from the attorney general in Washington DC, we are beautifully positioned to make sure a responsible, adult American citizen is never again arrested for the use of recreational marijuana. But this doesn’t just happen. Please take a moment of your time to support our campaign to bring the message of legalization to the masses during the most watched TV program of the year.”

Voting takes just a moment. Go to this site and click the “Vote for us” button. That’s it, no log in required. Every person can vote once per day. Be sure to share on your social media sites, and engage with your friends to make sure they too are voting. If we all take one minute a day to do just that, as Erik Altieri said, “Together we can make marijuana legalization a topic of conversation at every game watching party across the country! If you vote, we will win.”