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Product Review for the Stoner Spy: The Buckle Puffer - Weedist

Product Review for the Stoner Spy: the Buckle Puffer, Source: http://i.huffpost.com/gadgets/slideshows/303992/slide_303992_2589046_free.jpg?1371678345000

“The name is Bong, James Bong.”

If there ever was a weed superspy or crime fighter in our midst, I’m almost certain they would have a Buckle Puffer. Even if you’re not Bluntman or Chronic, today’s modern cannabis consumer can use this product (which is marketed as, “Stealthy, Stylish, and Functionally Magnificent”) to have the convenience of a portable smoking device hidden in a snappy looking belt. It has a unique, patent-pending, magnetic self-sealing mechanism that supposedly immediately snuffs out all flame and contains the odor.

I recently contacted Samson Mastroianni, President of Buckle Puffer, LTD to ask him a few questions about this cool device.

A friend of Mastroianni posited the question: where is best place to put a concealable pipe on a persons body? The answer: The belt buckle. The idea was then taken to John Newland, cousin of Mastroianni’s friend and an experienced engineer/machinist. Initially born from a personal desire to have a stealthy smoking apparatus just for themselves, the Buckle Puffer generated such a buzz among their community that they decided to create a company and aim to being mass production within the next month.

I asked Mastroianni about his target demographic, “The demographic we are going after includes all smokers that are looking for a convenient, stylish and stealthy pipe. We envision doctors, lawyers, and businessmen rocking The Buckle Puffer on the golf course, and we also see people sporting the buckle puffer while attending a concert, on a hike, or just going about their daily activities.”

It seems like a cool little gadget, and the team over at Buckle Puffer, LTD have good reason to be optimistic. “I believe this is going to be a successful product because there is nothing else out there like it,” said Mastroianni. “The quality of both the material and design are second to none. It is hard to appreciate how all the magnets work together to create a smooth machine without actually holding it. We have also been getting emails daily from around the world with people looking to purchase. With our involvement with The ArcView Group we had a great response from the investors.”

I think this could be something that we start to see more and more, maybe one day two strangers will see each other wearing a Buckle Puffer and know that they are “one of us”; the Buckle Puffer could become the secret handshake of the Stoner Spy community.

Check out what Mr. Mastroianni and gang are up to and, if you’re feeling charitable, maybe follow the link and donate a few bucks to help them begin mass production.