Diablo Dabs… Afgoo Shatter (BHO)
Strain: Afgoo
Consistency: Shatter
Collective: Fweedom
Solvent: N-Tane (closed loop purged, guaranteed 99.9% solvent free)
Rig: E Bomb Glass Recycler Pendant 14mm direct injection. Ti Power 14mm cupped, counter balanced and adjustable titanium nail. Skilletools Dental Pick
If Afgoo is wrong, I don’t wanna be right. Thanks to an amazing flash sale Fweedom blasted out over Instagram (@fweedom), weight was cheap and this stoner stocked up. This shatter’s been on my dabber all week long. It has also been on my dental pick and in my CloudV- Diablo doesn’t own a rig that hasn’t tasted this trim run shatter BHO. Fweedom’s extracts are always on point; they set the local standard and they keep raising the bar. Quality control is priority one for any of their meds and they take errl super seriously. True cannaisseurs use custom closed-loop extraction machines, lab grade solvents and heated extraction ovens for every run.
This batch of Afgoo was no different, glass-like in appearance and taffy-like in consistency- I couldn’t wait to take my first dab when I got it. Skunky like its flower source, Afgoo is definitely a pungent dab. A piney tasting little dunk on my pendant recycler delivered the first blow. The descriptions say Hybrid but the Indica had its way with this one if you ask me. My dome was barely flipped before my face was fat- couch time certainly seemed imminent. A quick splash of Gatorade- I was definitely a little parched- and it was off of to the bliss of my executive high back. Once seated, Afgoo made its presence well known from nose to toes with one of those good-sustained tingles- like a morning stretch on a day off (YYYEEEeeeesssssss).
It’s crazy how one’s cravings for entertainment change pre and post dab. When I lit my torch I was all about Hotline Miami. By the time my mouse left its holster I felt like going for a drive- fast. Need for Speed was the deal; Diablo ended up dabbin’ and “dippin’” from the cops till around 420AM. #lightersup.