Weedists: Meet Michael Brooks
“Weedists are the people who are out there fighting the good fight and these are their stories.”
Michael Brooks represents a new trend, Crowd Sourced Mercy. As Social Media becomes the World’s Go-to News outlet; Compassionate philanthropists are able to get face-to-face with the People that can ‘truly’ benefit.
Weedist had the opportunity to talk to Mr. Brooks about his story and this is the follow-up interview.
Well, First of all, how have you been doing since we last talked?
Since we last talked my son was born HAPPY, HEALTHY and WHOLE. Damon Michael Brooks was born June 1st, 2013 weighing in at 7lbs 4oz. and 18″ long. He has helped light a fire in my soul, and given my life a direction. That direction being the one that helps others from going through what WE are experiencing right now. No living being in the Year 2013 should have to experience life this way.

The Unforeseen Dynamic
In your opinion, why is marijuana a better medicine than the traditional prescribed medication?
First, I’m prescribed Marinol – a synthetic designed to simulate marijuana’s effect on nausea & others. Not even close to the real thing, and much more expensive. SIX-Hundred dollars a prescription ‘with’ Government help! Trust your common sense people; you want to change something that IS naturally occurring..!? I can take one puff off of a joint, and reduce my daily pill count by 17! My doctors prescribe me Opiates for pain, and my wife and I joke about the colors being like a bag of “Skittles.” Too many pills when ONE Joint would be a good start!

Dronabinol, the active ingredient in MARINOL® (dronabinol) Capsules, is synthetic delta-9- tetrahydrocannabinol (delta-9-THC). Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol is also a naturally occurring component of Cannabis sativa L. (Marijuana).
Have you received any assistance from pro-marijuana organizations like NORML?
Not officially, but there are some really Good people across the US that have chosen to help me. To think- an absolute stranger would drive a few hours to bring me medication at Great personal risk. (You know who you are “thank you very much.”) We will be looking into Every option that presents itself.
Do you have a website I could direct people to for donations to your struggle?
We have a page up with “GoFundME,” but honestly it just feels like begging. The time is currently ticking down, and we haven’t come close to reaching our goal. It hurts when you are living month-to-month selling everything you own to Live another day. We are currently Robbing Peter to pay Paul, and I’m looking at an Eviction Notice. ( Michael’s voice wavers & he takes a deep breath) We Just need a little help…
Has your Doctor acknowledged any scientific evidence about the medicinal benefits of cannabis?
Not at all. They have all washed their hands of me, and the last visit with my oncologist stated “There is nothing more we can do,” and walked out the room. I sat in that room crying for forty-five minutes waiting to see if he’d return. It made me feel like I was no longer human… no longer alive.. a mere object.. already dead. It’s small-town- three churches & one post-office Small. People are born here- they live here- and most of them are buried up on the hill. Everyone is just paying more, getting less and dying quicker.
Can you compare the quality of locally obtained marijuana and your homegrown medicine?
Local quality? It’s too hard to get here and the penalties DON’T match the crime. Although one fellow drove down to bring me some pot, and it was outta this world. One puff and my nausea was GONE; I was able to get by on 6 pills that day instead of the 23 prescribed (for pain & nausea). What’s bad is this was the 0.7 grams I got caught with – fined $776 and they want me to finish a Ten Day sentence that I’m currently OUT on my 2nd medical furlough.
“I just want to be with my son!” Without access to Medicinal Marijuana I’m not going to be around long for him. I’m so proud, and very Scared to what the world will be like when he grows up. “If people can’t learn to care for one another – heck we can’t even take care of our sick & elderly – but if there was Medicinal Marijuana it WOULD BE A START!
We here at Weedist wish you the best of luck in your on-going battle to use a healthier medication. We firmly believe that humanity has a chance, IF the world “goes to pot.”
Here’s hoping this Drug War ends soon. With the Help of people like ‘YOU’ we can help to make sure that the Veterans of the Drug War Don’t Suffer in Vain!
If you live in Tennessee, please:
- contact your local public officials or go online @ MPP
- sign the petition @ change.org
The inhuman barbarism of the failed War on Drugs…it MUST END. Keep spreading the word- Marijuana is the best medicine.