In a country where it is increasingly difficult to find a living and breathing person willing to publicly debate in favor of maintaining cannabis prohibition’s status quo, one newly formed anti-marijuana organization and it’s primary spokesperson rightly lands in the crosshairs of medical researcher and cannabis policy reform activist Sunil Kumar Aggarwal, M.D. for conducting (from the time he was a college student-through his work at the Office of National Drug Control Policy-to now forming an anti-cannabis non-profit created to try to stem the ever-growing tide of public opinion in favor of legally controlling cannabis with regulations and taxation–not the brute force of the racially disparate, expensive and wasteful criminal justice system) a systematic and intellectually dishonest public relations campaign against cannabis.
The newly formed anti-marijuana legalization group, Smart Approaches To Marijuana SAM (which appears to be an organ of big anti-tobacco concerns, with funding from insurance companies and community health trust funds) and it’s spokesperson Kevin Sabet get some white hot and antiseptic light cast in their direction at AlterNet, from a long vexed Dr. Aggarwal.
Supplemental material about Kevin Sabet, notably his years attending University of California at Berkeley, is also published by The Center for Cannabis and Social Policy.
Article republished from NORML