There has been much discussion on the legalization of cannabis in the news lately.
I think it’s important for citizens to have an open discussion on medical cannabis. I am the chairman for the Wisconsin Chapter of Americans for Safe Access. I find that many people who are afraid of cannabis, don’t know much about it to begin with. The history on how marijuana became illegal in the first place is amazing.
Studies are showing medical marijuana doing a lot of good for people with a variety of medial issues. The segment on CNN the other day, shown parents giving medical cannabis to their daughter who had been suffering with seizures. By using marijuana, the child went from more than 300 grand mal seizures a week, to two or three times a month. Dr. Gupta changed his mind on medical marijauna and apologized to the public for misleading them.
I want to help our community become more educated on this issue. Personally, I don’t want to see cannabis used recreationally. I believe it is a medicine and just as I wouldn’t want anyone going into my cabinet and using Xanax or oxycodone recreationally, I don’t want cannabis used that way either.
Becoming an activist wasn’t in my book of plans for my life, but after reading up on cannabis and educating myself, I found I had no other choice. I invite anyone who would like to learn more about medical cannabis to contact me or come to an ASA meeting. Our meetings are held the second Saturday of every month at 1 p.m. above the Hydro Street Brewery on James Street.
Just remember, the world was considered flat until science proved the masses wrong. Tomatoes were considered poisonous until science proved the masses wrong. It’s time we prove marijuana has real medicinal value.
– Belinda (Bunny) Hethcox is the chapter chair for Wisconsin ASA , a grandmother and medical marijuana activist.
This was originally published by the Beaver Dam Daily Citizen
Reprinted with permission from Americans for Safe Access‘ Press Room.