Justin James Bridges is a Texan who has made his home in Portland. When he brought his special style of Texas blues to Oregon, he changed music for the local cannabis community. Soon after his arrival, he got involved with the Occupy Portland movement as a sign language interpreter. His dedication to the Occupy movement has put him in a wheelchair after suffering injuries at the hands of the police. For a short time, he couldn’t play.
Justin is no quitter, though. He worked his unusable hand, massaged it with cannabis salve and started eating full extract cannabis oil to mend his wounds. Since it was his strummin’ and pickin’ hand that was injured, he could still make chords, and he could still make music. He started out just being able to use his thumb to strum. When you listen to his latest release, “Medication Recreation,” you would never know of his struggle. His licks are back, better than ever.
He continues to chronicle his life and love of the cannabis plant with his lyrics. His songs can be powerful, fun and moving, and he uses his music to educate and inspire. From his website:
“Less than 4 months have passed since the release of JJB’s second solo album “Long Road to Nowhere,” and there is already a release date for his next project. “Medication Recreation” is set to be released on July 10th, 2013, (710 for all you dabbers out there!!!) and will feature some new styles mixed in with the sounds we’ve come to expect from JJB. This pro-cannabis legalization album is set to feature 8 tracks including crowd favorites like ‘Mary Mary,’ ‘Feels Like Home (Cannabis Cafe),’ and the title track ‘Medication Recreation,’ along with some new songs, ‘Understand,’ and ‘Pain.'”
Justin generously donates to the cannabis community through his music and has become one of those guys you can count on to help out at any event. His work with Patchwork Family is what launched him here. He has performed at local cannabis competitions, Hempstalk and fund raisers all over Oregon. He did some spring time shows in Texas and Colorado, and he is gearing up to head out on tour again soon. The guy just doesn’t stop! Even if you aren’t a blues fan, you will find plenty to like on Justin’s latest. Check it out!