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Great Movies While High: Life of Pi - Weedist
Weed Lifestyle

Great Movies While High: Life of Pi, source: http://expatnewby.wordpress.com/2013/01/30/the-life-of-pi/

Life of Pi is a moving story of one boy’s struggle for survival and, ultimately, his journey of spiritual and personal growth. The movie is based on the book by the same name written by Yann Martel. While the movie deviates from the original story line in some ways, its breathtaking cinematography and touching story line make Life of Pi a great movie to watch while high.

Piscine Patel, who adopts the nickname Pi early in life to diminish the teasing he must endure for his first name being pronounced as ‘pissing’ far more than he’d like, is the story’s protagonist. The book and movie begin with a look at his picturesque childhood growing up in a zoo in India. Through various life-changing events, Pi becomes an unusually spiritually active person, at once engaging in worship with Christians, Muslims and Hindus.

This faith is put to the test when he and a Bengal Tiger named Richard Parker are trapped on a lifeboat after an entire cargo boat, which contained Pi’s entire family and everything they owned, sank while traveling across the Atlantic. The rest of the movie focuses on Pi’s struggle for survival on the lifeboat for the next 227 days. Devoid of any of the distractions which eat up our time, Pi passes his time learning all he can about surviving with his limited resources and attempting to train the 450-pound Richard Parker.

A few of the scenes are breathtakingly beautiful, and while enjoying a bit of herb they can seem out of this world. So if you are looking for a story with a unique and touching story line combined with killer graphics, Life of Pi is a great movie to watch while high. And if you don’t have enough time to sit down and watch a movie, just checking out the official movie website is a fun undertaking in itself.

Check out other posts from Weedist’s Great Movies While High series!

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By: Mercedys. Permalink: permalink Shortlink: http://weedi.st/CeQ11