When I was a chef at a French bistro, we served this locally made, small batch vanilla ice cream. I don’t normally enjoy straight vanilla. I mean, I like it, it’s about as simple as ice cream gets. But I am strictly a plain chocolate man when it comes to ice cream. Caveats being aired, this was some really f-ing good vanilla ice cream. So, what did all of us seasoned cooks choose to do with this veritable unicorn of desserts? Slap it into a blender with some stale Honeycombs! In a restaurant, employees generally are encouraged to eat things that cannot make the restaurant any more money (left over scraps mixed with pasta, bread ends chopped into a bread salad, stuff like that). In that context, what was left to our disposal was some expired relish and 1/2 a box of stale Honeycombs. The decision was pretty easy to pair with ice cream. What came out of that blender was nothing short of divine. Liquid ambrosia coating every inch of your tongue; if death came from drowning in that milkshake at that very instant, I would have welcomed it. Homer (the Greek, not the Simpson) would surely have renamed Sirens to the Honeycomb Milkshakes had he been able to taste this mythical foodstuff. I have never been the same since. I have never done or subsequently tried to rehab from heroin, but I imagine this milkshake is harder to kick.
Here’s What You Need:
- 3 scoops of ice cream
- 1 cup of cereal (Honeycombs for the win!)
- 1/2 cup milk (medicated: sub with cannamilk *)
- blender
How to Make Cereal Milkshake (Medicated Optional):
- Choose your favorite ice cream, milk and your favorite…wait. If you’re too high at this point to figure out how to combine ice cream, milk and cereal in a blender, take a nap first and try this again later.
- I used Honeycombs, but eventually someone out there will get the bright idea to try other cereals, too.
Now I’ve got myself thinking about other cereals to try this with. Off to the grocery store… *Cannamilk – If you want to make the milkshake medicated, I would subtitute cannamilk for regular milk. It’s quick and easy to make at home and leads to a very smooth milkshake. Some recipes out there call for ground cannabis added directly to the blender, but personally I don’t want any raw plant matter added to my milkshakes, even if it is my favorite plant. Please comment if you’ve had success with other methods of medicating a milkshake, I’m always looking to learn more.