For as long as I’ve been a toker, I’ve lived foot to mouth. I’ve been down to smoking the gack or scraping kief from grinders so many times that even with an ounce in hand and weed in stores, I’d never toss a roach. There is no such thing as too much head stash. Diablo Dabs now, but he still does so on a tight budget, especially with commercial errl carrying prices like… well gas, so I guess it’s aptly named. That is not a complaint by the way- I have no problem paying extra for the safest concentrates with the most potent effects. That being said, caviar taste in errl means inevitably finding yourself down to the last dab. Errl is very different than flower, so the same poor man’s solutions won’t apply. I should also specify this solution is specifically for dispensary plastic concentrate containers.
You know the stuff in the bottom of the container that gets everywhere but your dabber? Yeah, that’s the shit I am talking about- SERENITY NOW! When you only need a booger’s worth and you see that much oil you can’t seem to get to, it blows. Thankfully, the same desperation has yielded a solution. It’s not a perfect science, but if it gets you one last rip on a tough day, so does it really matter? Diablo is proud to share with you what he does when he is down to his last dab.
The process generally entails giving the containers a hot water bath like melting chocolate in a double boiler. Then flash freezing the containers to re-coagulate the last precious drops.
- Start with a bunch empty errl containers (oh yes, Diablo Dabs a lot).
- Cherry-pick the ones with the most promise, e.g. those that have the most caked in there.
- Find a small microwaveable dish or Tupperware container (I use the sandwich size). Fill it up about half way and then nuke it for 2 min (hot, but not boiling). To be completely safe, add a drinking straw or chopstick to the container, sticking out, so that bubbles have somewhere to escape to in case the water boils. This will ensure the water doesn’t boil out on YOU when you remove the dish from the microwave.
- CAREFULLY float the errl containers in the hot water. Imagine they are little boats we don’t want to capsize. Errl and water don’t mix after all.
- Again, no perfect science but I would say after about 5 minutes take a look. You should have something similar to this going on.
- Next it’s into the freezer for about 10 minutes, this where the magic happens.
- Voila! Mostly waxey lil’ frozen puddles of tasty errl.
- Grab a broad sided tool and get your scrape on.
Depending on the amount of containers and your level of patience to scrape, you can get easily get a few dabs with this method. Personally, I save this for when I need just one more and I reward myself. Diablo takes his salvage dabs beef and broccoli style- mixing strains #lightersup