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Prospero’s Grow Week 15: Final Thoughts On Growing Your Own Marijuana

It’s very surreal to sit here and write the final post in this series for Weedist while two large containers full of marijuana I grew myself sit on my table next to me.

 growing your own marijuana, home grow, Source: Prospero Weedist

A year ago, I don’t think it ever occurred to me just how capable I was of producing something that I always had to buy somewhere else, from someone else. I’ve never considered myself much of a green thumb and have never grown any other kind of plant, so I really wasn’t sure how this was all going to go. But after 3 months of growing my own cannabis under a single light, I’ve got a nice yield of pretty decent bud that I grew myself. It’s a really great feeling of accomplishment.

I have to thank every single one of my friends, co-workers, and fellow Weedists for their help and most especially their advice. Like so many other worthwhile endeavors, growing your own marijuana is a skill at which one can always improve, and I think most decent growers would agree with that.

It’s been great to get my hands dirty and actually see what it was like to feed and care for some plants. I’m impressed with The Other Tomato, and the Nirvana & Bud Candy boosters from Advanced Nutrients. I’m also relieved that I didn’t have any problems with mites, powdery mildew, or any other common problems that affect all growers.

One of the main reasons I wanted to grow cannabis was to see what juicing cannabis might be like as an immune system booster. As the process wore on, I realized that in order to really get a good daily dose, you need to be growing lots of plants (at least enough to cut several fan leaves from each plant and not kill them).

However, a good way around that is to flash freeze trim. Freezing trim after it’s been cut off plants is a good way to keep the THC and other cannabanoids intact so that they can be used in the future for hash, or in this case, juicing. I’ve taken a small handful of leaves each day and added them to my fruit and veggie smoothie. While it’s hard to say definitely if this is helping me to stay totally healthy, I will say that lately I’ve felt really good and haven’t felt sick at all since I’ve started growing. I’ll probably save some more and if I get motivated, I might just end up using the rest of the trim to make some hash or even hash oil.

Frozen trim

Frozen trim

I hope that readers have not only enjoyed reading the series as much as I have writing it, but also I hope that people see that cannabis cultivation is something that just about everyone can do. It doesn’t take thousands of dollars of equipment or a big plot of land in the perfect climate, and marijuana is no longer something controlled and distributed by criminals simply for profit.

If you’re a Weedist and you regularly consume cannabis, maybe it’s time to consider growing your own. Even if you live in a small apartment in a populated city, all it takes is a small, enclosed space that can you can have fans and a light on at all hours. With the amount of noise that is produced in a building or neighborhood, it’s fairly easy to hide any evidence that you’re growing. If you have a house, then even better.

If you don’t live in a state or country where marijuana is legal yet (medical or recreational), then maybe it’s time to get involved however you can, and let people know that the law in this case has always been and continues to be just wrong.

The tide is turning and we are moving closer to a world where governments will finally recognize what so many people around the world already know: marijuana is incredible and has the potential to improve many people’s lives. Marijuana and cannabis infused products should be available to everyone who wants and/or needs it, and it is becoming increasingly easy to grow your own.

Thanks for reading these last few weeks- spread the word and let’s legalize marijuana nationally!

Prospero’s Grow – 15 Week Series:

  1. Week 1: Set Up and Explanation of Juicing Cannabis
  2. Week 2: All Going Well and Nutrient Advice
  3. Week 3: Advanced Nutrients Nirvana and Some Real Growth!
  4. Week 4: New Developments from The Wizard and Start of Juicing Cannabis
  5. Week 5: T-minus 1 Week to Flower and Important Lesson On Watering Cannabis Plants
  6. Week 6: It’s Flower Time!
  7. Week 7: Starting to Flower and Introduction of Advanced Nutrient Bud Candy
  8. Week 8: Flushing Cannabis Plants and Raising the Grow Light
  9. Week 9: Frosty Leaves and Real Buds! More Juicing Cannabis Information
  10. Week 10: Growing Steadily and Some Thoughts On Pruning Cannabis
  11. Week 11: About Time to Start Flushing
  12. Week 12: Almost Harvest Time, Strong Cannabis Smell
  13. Week 13: Harvesting Cannabis. This is It!
  14. Week 14: Trimming and Curing Cannabis
  15. Week 15: Final Thoughts On Growing your Own Marijuana [this post]
  16. Epilogue: How to Make Your Own Homegrown Bud Joint Stash